I got a golo bluetooth adapter from my tool guy and have been trying to play around with this this. Im using my vehicle as the test vehicle. It would be nice if we have a problem vehicle , we could put it in and have it report back to us.
When i hit the golo button it just shows 3 things , witch i dont understand. one of them show TEAM..
Please help. Downloaded golo car car on my cell phone bound the adapter, golo mobile diagnostic wont let me activate connector on my cell phone..
How does the launch scanner use golo, can i bind golo connecter to launch scanner, how does this work..
Just to clarify ..... a Golo is tied only to the phone app correct? Therefore every customer has to have a unique one? We had one given to us by our Matco dealer that I was hoping would could "loan" to customers that had intermittent problems. Can a Golo unit be unregistered to move to another account (the work around would be to create an account for the shop and register the Golo to it and give the customer the login).
Great idea but I can't see many customers opting to spend $90 on a unit to track their maintenance when most vehicles have it built it.